Our Feeds

Monday, 1 December 2014


What kind of Food Rabbit Eats?

1. Milk:

Feeding Milk will enrich the particular Rabbit and Bunnies with proteins and fats    that are necessary for them. They ought to be given with a whole meal bread that ought to be toasted and baked in oven to make it crisp as rabbits like dry food.

2. Grasses:

Rabbits and Bunnies want to go around the garden and also grab the green grasses such as Agrimony, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, cow parsnip, goose grasses and wont stop munching that is a very good exercise for the teeth. Its hard to control while it starts grazing around so keep them at bay.

3. Fruits:

Apple is by far the most favorite fruit of rabbits and Bunnies, they don't really prefer to eat any additional fruits and apple is containing more vitamins. And it is some sort of soft fruit so gets effortlessly digested.

4. Vegetables:

Brussels sprouts, Cabbages, Carrots, Cauliflower, Turnip, Pod spinach, Peas given half boiled along with the whole mixture and makes the meal loaded with richness vitamins and carbohydrates. Mashing of boiled potatoes with the peel has a lot of carbohydrates and should be fed very less. Too much of carbohydrates as part of the Rabbit and Bunny food diet is negative.

5. Pellets:

Pellets ought to be fed from the time of  birth of Rabbits and Bunnies. This is very important mainly because it helps in the growth connected with rabbit. This is said to be the rabbit's favorite and they never get bored than it. That Rabbit and Bunny food are offered by the grain stores.

6. Pulses:

Cereals and hay: Maize, Oats, Corns,. Bran mashed up together with Luke warm milk might be a big nutritious treat for the particular rabbits. But the rabbit food ought to be served like once in a couple of days. People try feeding rabbits together with lettuce, radish, yew, creeping butter pot which rabbits don't eat. Also, they are poisonous to them feeding them twice each day (day and night) is ample. They drink a lot of water the other needs to keep changing the river in the bowl as it wont drink again the river that was left.

7. Fresh Packed Food:

The Packed Rabbit and bunny Food available on Pet stores. The Food contains all the Vitamins that a rabbit needs and its taste is also very Good. This Food is also available Online in Ireland.

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